04.01.2003, News

Nachtrag 2 und 3 zum Neuseeland-Tiefflug

Kommentar vom Piloten: You aerotow from Whenuapai, about 10 mins, then just soar for miles, at speeds up to say 120knots, quite low though. The only slightly difficult parts are the crossing Southwards across Port Waikato, where you need a minimum of 1200feet to cover the 8 km and getting back to whenuapai from the coast, where you need a thermal to get to 2000feet to get back the 20km but it is downwind. I aim to do my 300km gold distance out there shortly. Regards Ross Und dann noch Fotos von Andrej: [Flugaufnahme] [Landung am Strand]

Quelle: Hans L. Trautenberg

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