31.05.2013, Videos, Österreich

Alpe Adria Cup 2013

Quelle: Gerhard Puhl

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30.05.2013, Presse, Deutschland

Oberhinkofen - Segelflieger bangen um Zukunft


Quelle: Christian (DD)

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30.05.2013, News

Swimming with a Shark

"I felt the cold clammy hand of fear on the last Friday of April 2013. It wasn’t an irrational fear, like "oooh there is something under the bed" or a nervous fear like standing up to give a presentation; it was from the grim realisation that I had flown myself into a hole with no way out. I know my last article started by alluding that we should do one thing everyday that scares us, as some motivational way to grow and become a better person but I think, on this occasion, I might have taken that notion a bit too literally. ..." [blogspot.co.at]

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29.05.2013, Presse, Deutschland

Sinsheim - Segelflieger landen jetzt vor dem Gericht


Quelle: Christian (DD)

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29.05.2013, News, USA

Wind Turbines and Light Aircraft - A tricky combination

"The United States had 45.100 wind turbines in place as of December 2012 according to the American Wind Energy Association, and we are expected to add about 1.000 more lage turbines per year for the next five years. ..." [mehr]

Quelle: Hannes Locher

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28.05.2013, News, Österreich

Segelflugstaatsmeisterschaften 2013

Die österreichischen Staatsmeisterschaften mit Austragungsort Nitra sind diese Wochen im Gange. [Resultate] [News]

Quelle: div.

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27.05.2013, Videos, Frankreich

Gliding in the French Alps

Quelle: Christian Fisahn

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